December 30th, 2024
Leaving 2024
As we are almost at the new year's eve, I thought I might do a short recap of how well my predictions for the year 2024 came true, and perhaps share a peek of what I am thinking could occur in 2025. But first, let's start with a simple assessment of topics I listed earlier on in the blog post of Five things to look forward to in 2024 and how well my predictions came true.
- Recovery of global economy
Accuracy of assessment: Partially accurate
Yes, we have seen an uptrend in the western economy, and it will likely keep going on in 2025 as well. The problem, however, is that this has been greatly because of the United States alone. Along with the election of Donald Trump, we will most likely have the U.S. continuing on as the leading country in the world. Unfortunately, Europe is still seriously lagging when it comes to economic and financial prosperity.
- Lowering of interest rates
Accuracy of assessment: Accurate
The interest rates have gone down, and will likely continue to do so. This was kind of a no-brainer.
- 2024 presidential election
Accuracy of assessment: Not applicable; no assessment made
The re-election of Trump did not come as a much of a shock to me. What was surprising, though, was the superiority with which the political left lost. Maybe there is still some hope left.
- Direction of warfare
Accuracy of assessment: Not applicable; no assessment made
The wars went on as they did before. Not much to report here.
- Development of artificial intelligence
Accuracy of assessment: Partially accurate
Yes, the development of AI went on. No, mind-blowing new AI innovations weren't introduced in the year 2024. This obviously does not mean that the sector will not drastically influence all of our lives in the coming years. It most definitely will.